The Quickstart Blogging Bootcamp will:

  • Help you choose a niche for your blog
  • Show you how to set up a host and install blogging software (is super easy)
  • Show you how to use WordPress
  • Help you find a great looking design for your blog
  • Show you how to begin writing your first blog posts!

Join The Quickstart Blogging Bootcamp
(It’s 100% FREE!)

Get Weekly Actionable Tips To Build & Grow Your Blog

Every week I’ll email you a task list of short actionable tips for growing your blog.  

I also share strategies for managing social media, growing traffic and managing an online business.  I share only the good stuff, so you don’t have to waste your time online.  

Get Weekly Blogging Tips

Ready To Start Your Blog, Like Right Now?

I’ll walk you through the simple 3 part process – with screenshots and details galore.  Its much simpler than it sounds, and I’ll hold your hand through the entire process (unless you think that would be weird).  

Either way, I’ve got your back and I’ll make it a simple, seamless process.

Learn How To Start A Blog

Check out the Blog

There is a ton of information, tips, strategies and tutorials over at the Blog Genesis blog – that will help you learn to master blogging technology, and build a fan base.   They are categorized by my most popular content, and also by topic.  You can click the “Blog” link at the top any time to check out the latest.

Blog Genesis Blog

Need Technical Help With Your Blog?

If you’ve exhausted our free trainings and tutorials above and have run into an issue that you just can’t get by – we do offer blog development, design and maintenance services.   Whether its a quick 15 minute fix or a custom blog design – we’ll work with you to take care of any of your needs.

Blog Design and Development Services

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